Crucial Facts about C2C Spine System

The spinal cord is divided into five different sections. Namely, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx. Spinal disorders can occur in any of these sections. The intervertebral discs are the shock absorbers of the spinal cord. With age the spinal column undergoes de-generation. Wearing causes interverbal discs to degenerate. Sometimes intervertebral discs also get herniated. The vertebras come in contact with each resulting in compression of nerves. A cage-like structure is inserted into the spot, and the vertebras are secured using pedicle screws. The kit is known as C2C Spine System.

Pressure on the nerves increases as the two vertebras come in contact with each other. The nerves get compressed in between the vertebras resulting in pain and discomfort. This deformity of bones is usually treated in two ways. Micro Lumbar Discectomy is one of the commonly used methods. The degenerated lumbar disc cuts to put it back in shape. Another technique is Micro Lumbar Fusion. In this method, the damaged disc is completely removed. This is where a Spine system comes into play.

Minimal Invasive Spinal Fusion

As discussed above, it is a process of joining two spinal bones together. Minimally invasive spinal fusion uses smaller than traditional ones. Several small bones compose the spinal column. The bones are stacked one upon another. Intervertebral discs act as a cushion in between the bones. It acts as a shock absorber and prevents unwanted wear and tear. These discs protect the vertebral column of the pathway of the nervous system. Various medical conditions can cause the deformation of the vertebral column. The deformities can affect surrounding nerves, muscles, and ligaments. As the nerves get compressed in between the vertebral bones, it causes severe pain.

Depending upon the problem, the surgical method is chosen. Surgeons use different methods to operate on the vertebra. The age of the patients is a crucial factor. For lateral interbody fusion, surgeons perform from the side. In the case of transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion spine is operated through the back using. Minimally invasive fusion uses a smaller incision compared to traditional working methods. C2C Spine System can be installed without cutting the muscles resulting in faster recovery.

Need for Minimally invasive fusion surgery

Several medical conditions that require the operation of the spine to cure. Degenerative disc disease is the most common, mostly found among older people. Other diseases like Spinal stenosis, Spondylolisthesis, Scoliosis, Fractures, and infections of the spinal column, tumors. These conditions can cause severe back pain in patients. Medical practitioners initially try to cure with conservative techniques. Physical therapy is also used. If these methods fail, C2C Spine System Installation is recommended. However, minimally invasive spine surgery cannot cure all types of vertebral pains. Doctors only advise surgery to those patients only if the procedure might work on them.

Risks involved in minimally invasive spine surgery

Most people get back to a normal, healthy life after such operations. But as is the case with most surgeries, it also has some risks. Patients may face post-operative complications like infection, bleeding, blood clot, nerve damage. There always a chance that the surgery might not cure the pain completely.

Why choose MJ Group

If you are to get spine surgery always opt for pedicle screw kits manufactured by MJ Group. Their C2C Spine System is the best in the industry and is certified by FDA(India).


  1. Clinical Neurophysiology diagnostic Tests; EEG (Electroencephalography), NCS (Nerve Conduction Studies) and EMG (Electromyography) are offered to assess the central and peripheral nervous system functions by measuring electrical activity in the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles.Neurologist tests

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