Crucial Facts about C2C Spine System
The spinal cord is divided into five different sections. Namely, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx. Spinal disorders can occur in any of these sections. The intervertebral discs are the shock absorbers of the spinal cord. With age the spinal column undergoes de-generation. Wearing causes interverbal discs to degenerate. Sometimes intervertebral discs also get herniated. The vertebras come in contact with each resulting in compression of nerves. A cage-like structure is inserted into the spot, and the vertebras are secured using pedicle screws. The kit is known as C2C Spine System. Pressure on the nerves increases as the two vertebras come in contact with each other. The nerves get compressed in between the vertebras resulting in pain and discomfort. This deformity of bones is usually treated in two ways. Micro Lumbar Discectomy is one of the commonly used methods. The degenerated lumbar disc cuts to put it back in shape. Another technique is Micro Lumbar Fusion. ...