A Meticulous Account On PLIF Cage Titanium
In this busy hurry burry world, Everyone is running behind something without taking care of the health. In ancient days, people were doing much physical work that helped them both financially and to keep the body healthy. But now, everything is getting updated and digitalized where people are sitting in front of machines for hours without caring about the posture. This causes severe back pain and spinal injuries that hurt more and cannot be cured easily using medicines. If the case is severe the doctor says an option to get surgery using the PLIF cage. Here is a detailed note on PLIF cage Titanium and its features. PLIF CAGE TITANIUM The term “PLIF” is abbreviated as Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion that is an artificial metal that helps to stop the motion of the unnecessary bone growth between the vertebral. This surgery is undergone only in the spinal part where it helps in reducing the bad bone movements. CAGE IN SURGERY- WHY? Suffering from a very anguishing lower back pain...